4301 Brown’s Point Blvd NE Tacoma, WA 98422 churchoffice@resurrectionlutherantacoma.org 253-927-3301

Welcome to Resurrection Lutheran- a vibrant community of faith, hope, and love.

Sunday bulletin

Resurrection Lutheran Church 4301 Browns Point Blvd NE Tacoma, WA 98422; 253-927-3301

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9 am-1 pm.

Pastor Karen Bates Olson: pastor@resurrectionlutherantacoma.org

Pastor’s office hours: Monday-Thursday, 9 am – 1 pm, and afternoons by appointment.

Holly Kindt, Admin Assistant: churchoffice@resurrectionlutherantacoma.org

Please email Holly if you would like to receive our weekly news.


Our worship services continue to be live-streamed: Facebook, ResurrectionLutheranTacoma or you-tube, ResurrectionLutheranELCA.

Link to our YouTube page. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUD9q5ueZqNSzWRj6UtttUQ

We worship Sunday morning at 10:00. Holy Communion is available to all. Our songs span through the globe and include both contemporary and long held beloved songs of faith. We love to sing! Children, with all their movements and sounds, are welcome and loved. All are welcome to share coffee and cookies after worship!

Sunday Service – October 13, 2024

Upcoming Events~

Sunday Service – 10:00 am

Al-Anon group meets – Mondays at 12:00 pm

Quilters – Thursdays at 10:00 am

Food and Fellowship – 2nd Sundays of the month (November 10th at 12:30 at Mama Stortini’s in Federal Way).

Book Study – Thursdays at 3, at the Church or on Zoom. Join us for our book study! “Breathing Under Water Spirituality and the Twelve Steps” by Richard Rohr which can be found on Amazon.

Mid-week VespersNovember 13th at 7:00 pm, join us on the second Wednesday of the month for our midweek service.

Thanksgiving Eve Service – November 27th at 7:00. Feel free to bring some canned goods to fill up our food donation box (to support the New Jerusalem Food Bank).

Sunday, October 27, 5:30-7 pm – Trunk or Treat

Holiday Bazaar – November 8 (12-6) and 9 (10-4) – Our annual Holiday Bazaar, if you are interested in a table space or have questions, please call or email the church office.

Jump Into Music!

We are excited to be partnering up with Jump Into Music! Please see Jump Into Music tab for more information. We are currently looking for music teachers of all kind!

GATHER in grace~

We gather in worship to receive the promise that God, in Christ, loves us more than we can begin to ask or imagine. None of us earn or choose the love in which we gather: it’s simply given. We are a Reconciling in Christ CongregationAs such, we uphold the words of the Apostle Paul:  “In Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female.”  (Galatians 3:28) Christ has made us all one.  We believe that this oneness extends to all persons regardless of gender identity, race, color, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identities, or religious, economic, or political affiliation. All are welcome!

GROW in faith~ 

We grow in the grace given in Christ and his call to the joyful sharing of his light through through regular worship; Bible Studies; Fellowship; Worship Team; Choirs; Women of the ELCA; Outreach; and Fellowship.

GO with love~

We collect and clothing for the New Jerusalem Food Bank in Hilltop. You are welcome to share food and clothing by placing it in the Food Bank Bin outside the front door of the church. Food is delivered to the Food Bank on a weekly basis.  We also provide Bags for the Homeless, Support NorthEast Tacoma Healthy Kids Coalition, Make Quilts for people around the world; Collect Food For the Food Bank; Support the Ministry Peace Lutheran, Tacoma, does for people who need Shelter and Food; Participate in our ELCA’s “God’s Work; Our Hands” outreach once a year; and in August, offer a week long “Family Fun Camp” (or VBS) for the community.

Lutheran Disaster Response

Lutheran Disaster Response shares God’s hope, healing and renewal with people whose lives have been disrupted by disasters in the United States and around the world. When the dust settles and the headlines change, we stay to provide ongoing assistance to those in need.

Here is a link to the Lutheran disaster response page
